
Multi chat client python
Multi chat client python

multi chat client python multi chat client python

server.py # Import the necessary libraries Last but not the least, I have commented as much as I could, unlike my last article, so I expect everyone reading this, with a bit of programming knowledge, will understand this straight forward code. Of course, you can have all of them running on the same system, but there ain’t any fun in it, right? But you will have to add the server address in the connect() function here). Then, execute the ‘client.py’ (guess what? same thing here. To run the program, execute the ‘server.py’ (after changing the bind() address to the address of the server on which it is supposed to run). So, instead of creating a straight forward chat program that was ‘actually’ required by my friend, I created this ‘one-server-multiple-clients’ program, which is more like the real world chat apps we use everyday. But trust me, I had no intention of doing this today, a friend of mine instigated me write a messenger for a project we were working on, and it turned out, writing this simple messaging program was more interesting than I thought. I suppose you have started to get bored by the same stuff everyday right? Seems like I just can’t get enough of this thing. Aaaaannd here is another post of mine on sockets, client/server models and stuff.

Multi chat client python